Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Active/ passive exercise

Tugas Bahasa Inggris bisnis

Name : Ahmad Junaedi

Npm : 30107096

Class : 3 DB 21

Lecturer : Mrs. Mila Rosmaya

Bab 1 :

Active / Passive Exercise 1

Make the following active sentences passive(if possible). In some cases a by-phrase is optional.

Question :

1. one of the servants stole the jewels.

- Subject : one of the servants

- Verb : stole

- Object : the jewels

The answer :

Passive : the jewels were stolen by one of the servant.

2.they could have written more letters to their parents.

- Subject : they

- Verb : could have written

- Object : letters

The answer :

Passive : More letters could have been written by them to their parents.

3.we feed the animals twice a day.

- Subject : we

- Verb : feed

- Object : animals

The answer :

Passive : animals are fed twice a day by us.

4.we drove to las vegas during our winter vacation.

- Subject : we

- Verb : drove

- Object : las vegas

The answer :

Passive : we were driven to las vegas during our winter vacation.

5.she invited us to the movies.

- Subject : she

- Verb : invited

- Object : us

The answer :

Passive : we were invited by her to the movies.

6.the airplane flew over our house.

- Subject : the airplane

- Verb : flew over

- Object : our house

The answer :

Passive : our house was flown by the airplane.

7.we took the test on friday.

- Subject : we

- Verb : took

- Object : the test

The answer :

Passive : 7.the test was taken by us on friday.

8.one of the student sang the song.

- Subject : one of the student

- Verb : sang

- Object : the song

The answer :

Passive : the song was sung by one of the student.

9.professor scoot teachs literature in the fall.

- Subject : professor scoot

- Verb : teachs

- Object : literature

The answer :

Passive : literature is taught by professor scoot in the fall.

10.the grocer freezes the meat every day.

- Subject : the grocer

- Verb : freezes

- Object : the meat

The answer :

Passive : the meat is frozen by the grocer every day.

Bab 2 :

Active / Passive Exercise 2

Make the following passive sentences active.

Question :

1.the prisoners were captured by the enemy .

- Subject : .the prisoners

- Verb : were captured

- Object : the enemy

The answer :

Active: the enemy captured the prisoners .

2.the exercises are being done by the class .

- Subject : the exercises

- Verb : are being done

- Object : the class .

The answer :

Active : he class is doing the exercises .

3. the home work could have been done by him in ten minutes.

- Subject : the home work

- Verb : could have been done

- Object : animals

The answer :

Active : he could have done the homework in ten minutes.

4.the lesson is taught by the teacher on fridays.

- Subject : the lesson

- Verb : is taught

- Object : the teacher

The answer :

Active : the teacher teaches the lesson on friday.

5.the museum is not used by people who lives outside the city.

- Subject : the museum

- Verb : is not used

- Object : people

The answer :

Active : the people who lives outside the city don't use the museum

6.the student spoke creole before they came to miami.

- Subject : the airplane

- Verb : flew over

- Object : our house

The answer :

Active : the student spoke creole before they came to Miami.(kalimat ini sudah aktif. Jika kalimat pasive pasti di tulis were spoken. sehingga tidak dirubah)

7.meeting are held by our club on fridays.

- Subject : meeting

- Verb : are held

- Object : our club

The answer :

Active : our club hold the meeting on fridays.

8.romans no longer speak latin.

- Subject : romans

- Verb : speak

- Object : latin.

The answer :

Active : Romans no longer speak Latin.(Kalimat ini sudah aktif)

9.the keys is always forgotten by my roommate.

- Subject : the keys

- Verb : is always

- Object : my roommate.

The answer :

Active : my roommate always forget the keys.

10.my application had already been filled out by the time I was called.

- Subject : my application

- Verb : had already been filled out

- Object : by the time

The answer :

Active : by the time I called, my application had already been filled out.

Bab 3 :

Essay Exercise 2

correct these student sentences from TOEFL test essays . find passive and past participle errors.

1. was grown up in the countryside.

The exercise number 1 it’s correct. We shouldn’t change te sentence.

The answer :

I was grown up in the countryside..

2.I have spend a lot of time with only one or two close friends .

it’s not correct. Spend should be spent.

The toefl should be Have been spent

The answer :

I have (spent)a lot of time with only one or two close friends .

3. Traditional schools are base on the idea that learning with a teacher is best.

it’s not correct. base on should based on

The toefl should be are based on

The answer :

traditional schools are (based) on the idea that learning with a teacher is best.

4.cities were universities are founding usually have a higher standard of living .

it’s not correct. founding should founded

The toefl should be are being founded

The answer :

were universities are being founded usually have a higher standard of living .


5.only good students have admitted to university in my country,so many students dont have a chance to improve their lives.

it’s not correct have admitted

The toefl should be have been admitted

The answer :

only good students have been admitted to university in my country,so many students dont have a chance to improve their lives.

6.changes are making to my university. it’s not correct have admitted

it’s not correct making should be made

The toefl should be are being made

The answer :

.changes are being made to my university.

7.if a new university built in my home town ,students will have good and bad experiences . it’s not correct

The toefl should be is built

The answer :

if a new university (is) built in my home town ,students will have good and bad experiences .

8.england is used english..

it’s not correct the sentence has wrong meaning.

The toefl should be English as the subject and England as the object

The answer :

.English is used in England/ England uses English.

9.medical schools and dental schools are applied to high level students.

the sentence it’s correct

The answer :

medical schools and dental schools are applied to high level students.

10.if I study with a teacher, I can be understood my problems.

it’s not correct

The answer :

if I study with a teacher, I ( could understand)my problems(ini conditional if).

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